Feb 23: Mere Christianity: Book II, Chapters 1-2

On Sunday, Feb. 23, 4:00-5:30 p.m., we'll continue our discussion of Mere Christianity with Book II, Chapters 1-2.

BOOK II: Chapter 1, paragraph 6:

My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he had some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?

BOOK II: Chapter 2, paragraphs 7-8:

If "being good" means simply joining the side you happen to fancy, for no real reason, then good would not deserve to be called good. So we must mean that one of the two powers is actually wrong and the other actually right. 

But the moment you say that, you are putting into the universe a third thing in addition to the two Powers: some law or standard or rule of good which one of the powers conforms to and the other fails to conform to. But since the two powers are judged by this standard, then this standard, or the Being who made this standard, is farther back and higher up than either of them, and He will be the real God.

Mere Christianity includes a preface and four books, each of which has chapters.

Joel Heck's resource page has his Mere Christianity: Uncommon Truth in Common Language ppt available as a download. The ppt is an excellent introduction to the study of Mere Christianity, explaining its title, influence, and characteristics.

Pints With Jack has a Mere Christianity resource page with links to quotation graphics, commentary, podcasts, and videos, including a C. S. Lewis Institute lecture series with Chris Mitchell.

Central Texas C. S. Lewis is a reading group that meets in Austin, Texas.
For meeting details, please send a request through our Contact Form. Thank you.


Jan 24: Mere Christianity: Book I, Chapters 4-5