Jan 24: Mere Christianity: Book I, Chapters 4-5
From C. S. Lewis: "The Christian story is precisely the story of one grand miracle, the Christian assertion being that what is beyond all space and time, what is uncreated, eternal, came into nature, into human nature, descended into His own universe, and rose again, bringing nature up with Him. It is precisely one great miracle. If you take that away there is nothing specifically Christian left" ("The Grand Miracle" in GOD IN THE DOCK, p80). (This is also the first Sunday of Advent quote in Joel Heck's Advent Devotional, C. S. Lewis: A Grand Miracle.)
Wishing you a blessed Advent and Christmas! (No meeting in Dec.) ~Margaret and Johnny
On Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025, 4:00-5:30 p.m., we'll continue with Mere Christianity. We will discuss Book I, Chapters 4-5.
BOOK I: Chapter 5, paragraph 4 excerpt:
It is after you have realised that there is a real Moral Law, and a Power behind the law, and that you have broken that law and put yourself with that Power—it is after all this, and not a moment sooner, that Christianity begins to talk.
Mere Christianity includes a preface and four books, each of which has chapters.
Joel Heck's resource page has his Mere Christianity: Uncommon Truth in Common Language ppt available as a download. The ppt is an excellent introduction to the study of Mere Christianity, explaining its title, influence, and characteristics.
Pints With Jack has a Mere Christianity resource page with links to quotation graphics, commentary, podcasts, and videos, including a C. S. Lewis Institute lecture series with Chris Mitchell.
Central Texas C. S. Lewis is a reading group that meets in Austin, Texas.
For meeting details, please send a request through our Contact Form. Thank you.