Update: Thanks to all who helped make Understanding C. S. Lewis a successful event on April 13, 2024! Although the event has concluded, we’ll retain this page as a resource. Thank you!

Understanding C. S. Lewis Workshop

C. S. Lewis is best known for his books Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, and his children's series The Chronicles of Narnia. Join us for Understanding C. S. Lewis, a workshop event to be held at Redeemer Church, 1500 W Anderson, Austin, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2024. This will be a day of learning about C. S. Lewis—what he says and how he says it—from three world-class Lewis scholars and from each other.

Featured speakers are Dr. Joel Heck, Interim President Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Canada; Dr. Rob Koons, philosophy professor at University of Texas, Austin; and Dr. Steven Beebe, Regents' and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at Texas State University.

Understanding C. S. Lewis is presented by Central Texas C. S. Lewis, an Austin C. S. Lewis reading group, reading Lewis together since 1999. Attendance is in person; no live stream or virtual will be available.

Registration is $35.00, which includes lunch.


Dr. Joel Heck

“Desire: The Single Most Prominent Idea in the Writings of C. S. Lewis”

Dr. Joel Heck, Interim President, Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Canada (also of Austin, Texas).

This session will explore the definition, origin, and prominence of desire in the writings of C. S. Lewis. We will see examples in his writings, reasons for such desire, synonyms for desire, and what God may have had in mind when He placed desire within us. We might even have a Reepicheep sighting near the end of this presentation.

Dr. Steven A. Beebe

“How To Communicate Like C. S. Lewis”

Dr. Steven Beebe, Regents’ and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus,

Dept. of Communication Studies, Texas State University

Based on the popularity of his books and essays, C. S. Lewis is one of the best communicators of the twentieth century.  This talk presents Lewis's principles and strategies that explain his success as a communicator so that you, too, can communicate like C. S. Lewis.

Dr. Robert Koons

“Myth + Logic: Parallels between That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man

Dr. Rob Koons, Philosophy Professor, University of Texas at Austin

C. S. Lewis embodied a rare combination of talents: a gift for incisive philosophical argumentation and a talent for imaginative creativity. Lewis's work mirrors the same duality in Plato's dialogues, which also combine logical dialectic with flights of mythical fancy. Dr. Koons explains how Lewis's stereoscopic vision is at work in two of his works: logic in The Abolition of Man, and imagination in That Hideous Strength.